scrittura Corsiva

Discovered Handwriting

The Italic writing model (or Italic model) proposed here allows children to be presented with a single lowercase alphabet that becomes italic with the addition of ligatures

Why change the model we write with?

Cursive is the most fluent of handwritings because the pen isn’t lifted from the paper very often. Historically, it is the most evolved form. It encourages the relationship between body, gesture and mark-making, rhythm and the natural flow of ideas from mind to paper.  A writing style which requires each letter to be formed using more than one pen stroke, forcing the writer to lift the pen at least twice in order to write each single letter goes against the evolutional process of writing forms.

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Basic structure

Let’s examine a Copperplate capital, for example the H (Figure 3.): the shape is very complicated, hard to remember and so difficult to read that a little crossbar in the middle of the letter is added to avoid confusing with the Italian article Il.
Italic-style cursive has none of these archaic forms with all their unnecessary, hard-to-remember flourishes. Instead, simple, Roman-style capitals are used.

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Font Italica

Fig.1 a model taught in most Italian schools

Font Italica

Fig.3 H structure and flourishes

Font Italica

Fig.2 a model italics based

Font Italica

Fig.4 Joins comparison